Saturday, November 14, 2009

Why does God let bad people do bad things?

Why does God let bad people do bad things?
I hear this question a lot. The answer is really very simple. Our Heavenly Father promised us all that we would have free agency. Free choice is the freedom to make a choice. Free agency is the freedom to make a choice, and the freedom to act on that choice. If He stopped bad people before they could do bad things, they would not really have free agency, which is essential to the Plan of Salvation. Then we would be following Satan's plan; which was forced obedience. We all have free agency. Every single one of us. Not just those who are obedient. All of us. I personally prefer to have my free agency. How about you?

Joke for the day: I know the voices in my head are not real, but sometimes they have some really good ideas!

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