Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Groundhog DAy

I was supposed to write yesterday but I couldn't because I was looking at a subsidized apartment. Turns out it took even longer today to go through the paperwork, but since I am living with my Dad and stepmom right now I have to get my computer time when its available.
Question: Doesn't the sun have to be shining in order for there to be a shadow? They said on the radio that the groundhog saw his shadow today so there would be 6 more weeks of winter. I don't know where the groundhog was, but he sure wasn't anywhere around me. I'm in Allons Tennessee, and we had snow over the weekend, and rain today. The fog was so thick that when I was coming home I passed up my road I was supposed to turn on. There was no sun shining here.
So, are you ready for 6 more weeks of winter? I'm sure not. I hate winter!!!!! Besides the fact that it makes me feel worse, I don't like driving in snow and on ice. I know how; I came from Indiana. I just don't like to. In fact, I would like to move a little farther south than what I am right now. If I do, though, I'll have to wait until circumstances allow. I'll write more on my situation when I am in my apartment and can spend more time typing. I don't type very fast right now.

Why doesn't a crow ever get hit by a car?
Because there's another crow saying, "Caw! Caw!"LOL

For what its worth to you, HAPPY GROUNDHOG DAY!

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