Saturday, January 23, 2010

Teaching-No Greater Call

Tomorrow I have to teach in church. A couple of weeks ago I was asked by theBishopric at church to be a teacher in Primary. I got set apart last Sunday after church. Here I am on Saturday night, lesson prepared, and nervous as a canary whose cage was left open by its owner, with the cat sitting there licking its chops. I have been a teacher before. I enjoy it. I was a teacher several years ago in a different ward of the church in Indiana for the 4 year olds. More recently, I taught was a teacher in Relief Society, the Women's organization in the Lord's church. Both presented their own challenges, and rewards.
Now I will be teachinh 8-11 year olds. I am prepared but I can't help being nervous. I have spent the whole week stressing out over something that will only last for about 1/2 of an hour. I have spent a good portion of my life stressing over things needlessly. I worry about how I look and if I'm fat, and how I sound, and what to say. I wish it was over already. But there is no need to do that. When you get a calling in the Church, its the Lord who is asking you to do it. He asks you to do something not because you are perfect at it, but because it is something that will help you become closer to Him, and to those you serve. I have to keep reminding myself of that.
When I was set apart last week, Father promised me in the blessing that if I prepare the lessons, and teach with The Holy Ghost, my creativity will be increased. That's a very great promise for me. I have never been very good at art. Never thought I could be. My brother is an excellent artist. And that's an understatement. If I could even be half as good as him someday, I'll be happy. And I would like to improve that because I would like to be able to illustrate my books eventually. For right now I've asked my brother Rob to illustrate for me. He said he would.
The really important thing about teaching children is that they are our future leaders. They are the future of our nations, and the Lord's church. Especially the Church. It is very important to teach them good morals and values so they can be good leaders in our nations, and good, strong individuals who will stand for what's right. In Church, we need to teach them the Gospel so they will grow up able to accept and face the challenges the Lord gives them, and fight Satan head on and win.
In times like this, I remember a quote from a movie, The Princess Diaries:

"Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the knowledge that something else is more important than fear."

Teaching the Primary children is more important than my being afraid of how they might see me. And I know I did well with my 4 year olds from several years ago, despite my fears of being inadequite. They are now adults. And I enjoy havin some of them on Facebook. They have all grown into very lovely adults. Its nice knowing I helped with that.

Notice: I am going to start posting on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

What did the duck say when she bought lipstick?
Just put it on my bill.LOL

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