Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Winter Depression Help

I got this stuff out of Women's World.
If you get depressed during the winter time take Vitamin D. Having too little D in your system inhibits your body from producing seratonin, which makes you feel tired and depressed. The doctor reccomendation is 1000 of IU of vitamin D daily.
Lack of sunlight can make blood sugar levels fluctuate, which makes you crave sweets and other carbs that keep your body from using insulin correctly. Cinnamon slows the rate at which carbs are absorbed. The reccomendation is to sprinkle 1/2 tsp. of ground cinnamon on oatmeal, coffee, etc.
If you have arthritis,or other problems that cause aches and pains, make sure you get a full eight hours of sleep each night.According to research, sleep boosts production of growth hormones, which reduce inflammation and speed healing of damaged tissues.
If I get tired it makes me feel worse; here's some pick-me-ups that were suggested.
Eat fiber rich cereal and foods. Being constipated can make you feel sluggish.
A study showed that participants who listened to music that had progressive tempos had more energy than those who only listened to fast music.
Rubbing each fingertip for 15 seconds boosts your blood flow, which releases extra oxygen to your brain.
A study from Wheeling Jesuit University showed that the aroma of peppermint activates the ares of the brain that governs alertness.Athletes who inhaled the scent apparently worked harder without realizing it.
Look at something green. Apparently there receptors in the eyes that are sensitive to green, stimulating the brain and relaxing the strain that causes tiredness.
All of these things are in the February 1, 2010 issue of Women's World.

What did the pen say to the pencil?
So, what,s your point?LOL

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