Thursday, December 31, 2009


Going back to the previous blog, if you can't have pets or don't want one, youo can have pets on the games on Facebook. Of couirse, I do have real pets, and fake ones too. Anyway, I have several on my Facebook account. Gotta be careful with those though. I went back to Petville after having been gone for a few days and my pet, whhich I named Cuddles, had run away. I had to bust her from the pound. You do have to go and feed and groom them. But that's good if you don't like the mess if real ones. Then I have Happy Pets. Right now you can adopt cats and dogs. You can even breed them. And I have Pet Society. You can take your pet fishing for more coins. If you don't want something you have to spend much effort on, that you can leave for a few days, there is Sea Garden. It just lines up the sea pets you have on the page, and whenever you log on you get 50 bucks, and you get bucks for doing whatever upkeep you have to do. It just takes one click. It's very easy. Also helps to clean up the oceans because every time you log on the sponsors donate money to environmental organizations.

What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire?

Monday, December 28, 2009


Pets are good to cheer a person up. At least I know they do me and the others in my family who have pets. We had pets all the time when I was little, then we stopped having them. We never had cats because my mom said I was allergic. We had dogs. I had a pure bred Beagle named Lady. She looked like Snoopy. She died saving me. The dog next door was threatening me when I was outside playing in the backyard. Lady jumped over the fence and went after her. She was a big wolfhound. Her and Lady fought. I screamed and my mom came out. She went over the fence and separated them and got Lady. The other dog had bit her. Now a vet hospital would be able to save her. But then, all the vet could do was put her down. We got a new dog to replace her from the same people. She was Lady's little sister, from the same parents, different litter. I named her Lady 2. Somebody swiped her before she went into heat for the first time. I don't remember having any dogs after that. My brother had a couple of dogs when he was a teenager. He had to take care of them himself.
Now I have 3 cats: Baby and her kittens, Cuddles, and HAley. The father, HArley, died. He was a full blood Devon-Rex. I love pets. Just petting my cats and hearing them purr makes me feel better. There have been studies done that have found that people with pets are generally in better health. I know mine reduces stress. When I get upset, my Cuddles will come lie on my chest and purr. I calm down real quick. They make me feel less alone when I'm the only person home.

Who tastes the dog food to know it's a new and improved flavor?LOL

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Helping others

To illustrate what I wrote yesterday concerning helping others, I was out shopping yesterday when I ran into the mother of one of my nieces' friends. I stopped and talked to her for a few moments. Just talking to someone for a few can make them feel better. And I found out she was having some problems of her own. When we parted I told her I would pray for her and I wished her a Merry Christmas. Also, everywhere I shopped at I smiled and wished Merry Christmas to the clerks. You have to figure they would most rather be elsewhere. I know it cheers them up. Like I said, I've worked in the service industry.

If you think turning solids into gas has something to do with a burrito...You are not smarter than a 5th grader.LOL

Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


I went to see my Dr. at the John Kenyon American Eye Institute today for a checkup. The results were good. I can see 20/40 with correction now. And he will start taking stitches out in 2 months when I go see him again.
Today's topic: Charity. I was reading a Christian book called A Christmas Wish by Betty Neels. The main female character, Olivia, and her moyher had reduced circumstances and had to move in with Olivia's maternal grandmother. She took them in, but she never let a day go by to let them know it was a financial burden on her. And she didn't just tell them. She told everyone she happened to meet. And not just that. She berated Olivia constantly for her lack of marketable skills and her inability to attract a man and get herself married. Through it all, Olivia bit back angry retorts and did not lower herself to that level. She kept up good spirits for her mother also.
Now, real charity is not what most people think it is. If you look in 1 Corinthians, 13, the whole verse is an explanation of charity. Real and true charity is the pure love of Christ. It is the pure love that He has for us, and it is also the pure love that we can have for Him and each other if we choose to. If you have a sincere desire to serve Him, and you serve others in order to serve Him, you will find that your capacity to love your fellow brothers and sisters grows. True charity is freely given. It does not begrudge the receiver. It does not hold anything over another's head. It is freely given , and cheerfully, and does not expect recognition or reward.
When I give loving service to those in need it makes me feel so much better. It lifts my mood, makes me smile, laugh, and makes my day. Plus it makes me grow closer to that person, and the Savior. He performs some of His greatest miracles through us. Even when you have severe health problems and other problems that limit what you can do, everyone has something they can give to uplift and help another. It could be something as simple as a smile and 'thank you' to a cashier. I've been there, trust me, they need the kudos. You could take a card to a nursing home one day when you're passing by and ask to be directed to a resident who has little or no family visits. Just talk a few minutes. If you find yourself depressed or frustrated about your problems, find someplace in your community, or someone who needs a little something you can give. Even if its just a few minutes of your time over the phone. It will be mutually beneficial in so many ways.
Peace, Smile, and I love you.

Monday, December 21, 2009

Christmas Gift

In Church yesterday the topic of a talk in Sacrement services was on what to give the Savior for a Christmas present. Here are some ideas:
1) Repentence- is a very special gift to give Him, considering we would not be able to do that if He had not suffered in the GArden of Gethsemane for us.
2) attend your church services, and while you're there, remember to thank Him for choosing to obey Father. He had His free agency too. He could have chosen not to do it. He loves us.
3) Service to others. Remember when you are serving someone, anyone in any way, you are serving Him.
4) Remember to say Merry CHRISTMAS, not Happy Holidays or Merry X-Mas. WE celebrate Christmas to celebrate His birth.

Remember that the Savior must have an enormous amount of love for all of us, it enabled Him to do what He did. He loved us more than Himself.

Why is it not safe to say anything on a farm?
The corn has ears, the potatoes have eyes, and the beans talk.LOL

Saturday, December 19, 2009

More car problems

My dad was out shopping in town this morning. He went to start his truck and it wouldnt start. He said he got in and said a little prayer and asked Heavenly FAther to please let it start. He then started it up. It turned with no problems. Like I said in the blog about my own car problem, instead of wasting adrenaline pannicking, pray to Father for help. Dad got home safely and with no problem. Sometimes your car doing that can serve as a warning that there is something wrong. You could take it in and have it looked at. You catch and fix a small problem before it becomes a big expensive one.

If you think a square root is less popular than the other roots, you might not be smarter than a 5th grader. Jeff Foxworthy LOL

Friday, December 18, 2009


Hello! I just got finished taking a typing lesson online. I never took typing in school. It was not required where I went. Now I wish it had been. I'm trying to become an author; it helps if you know how to type. Up till now, I've gotten my niece to type for me. She is in college and has her own things to type. So I got on the internet one day and googled to see if I could find typing lessons for free. I ended up at a site that has typing lessons, tests, and games for free. I am progressing very nicely. Each lesson has only 2 letters you practice with. You choose the lesson you need and how many words per minute is your goal. It suggests 15 wpm to start. You can go lower if you want. And it tells you which fingers to use. After you reach your goal it will ask if you want a certificate printed off. I decline because this is for myself. But if you had to learn for work, its helpful to have that. I have learned the letters and some punctuation and am now on numbers. I took 2 lessons today.
The reason I'm putting this on here is to say that it makes me feel better to accomplish something. It also helps ease depression to have something to do every day if you don't get out much because of health. And this typing thing gives me a goal to work toward. It helps me to feel better about myself and my circumstances to have a clear goal to be working towards every day. The site address is:

What did the hat say to the hat stand?
You stay here, I'll go on a head. LOL

Sunday, December 13, 2009


I tried to go Christmas shopping with my step-mom, Mary yesterday. We had first gone to breakfast at a church friend's house. Then we decided to go to Wal-mart. The one stop shopping place. Yeah, its nice to have pretty much everything you need in one place right. I really liked Wal-mart when it first came out. It was cheaper. Then when they decided to go to supercenters, I thought it would be good because you would only have one place to go to get everything you need. But my goodness! By the time I only get half way around the store I am so wore out! I still cant get everything, even though its right there. I poop out. And its even worse during Christmas season. I love Christmas, its my favorite holiday. But I hate shopping for it! We ended up getting one gift and leaving! Having Lupus, I poop out easy anyway. It doeesnt take long for me to get tired of the crowds. Dont leave your shopping to the last minute if youre like me. Do a little bit at a time. Or just get gift cards and let 'em shop themselves. Try not to go crazy. Remember what Christmas is for. God bless you!

My family tree is full of nuts! LOL

Friday, December 11, 2009

The other day I had to go out of town. I thought I had enough gas to get me to the next town where I would stop to get gas. I was wrong. I ran out of gas completely right outside of that town. Right after I prayed for Father to send someone to help me, a truck with two nice gentlemen showed up. They went to the gas station and bought me five dollars worth of gas and put it in my tank. I was so thankful! Nobody else would stop. From now on, I promised God I would always stop to check and see if a person pulled over needs help. So long as it looks safe. Im also going to get a gas can and put it in my trunk for emergencies. And Im going to do what my dad and stepmom do: keep at least half a trank of gas in the car all the time. Heavenly Father always answers prayers. He may not always actually SAY something. Sometimes you may get 'you dont need to know that' or you dont need to know that right now' , but you will Always get an answer. ALWAYS. But remember, He cant answer a prayer unless you pray. So talk to Him everyday. He loves you and wants to hear from you. He is your FAther. Literally.

Why was Moses the worst sinner?
He broke all 10 commandments at once. LOL

Thursday, December 10, 2009

More about me

After I graduated, I went to work at a group home for mentally handicapped people. This was my first fuul time job, and was the happiest time of my life up to that point. I really loved working there. I saved money and bought my first home. After working there for about 2 years, I was diagnosed with Lupus. I needed to go on pain medicine immediately. Because I had terrible back pain and my job was physically demanding. For me. For someone who is healthy it would not be. The home I worked at needed staff 24/7. There was a lot of overtime because it was hard to keep staff. My intent was to work 2 or 3 years and work while getting a masters degree. I should have startes the process of more schooling sooner. As it was, I didn't start it until it was too late.
In addition to the overtime, I had to be on my feet most of the time. There was a lot of running around to dr. appts., and so on. Shifts were 12-24 hours long. A lot of the time I was on my own. It was very hard to keep people. When I did look into getting a masters online, I filled out the app., and then a staff had to quit, and we were short already. There was going to be a lot of hours needing to be covered. I withdrew my application temporarily in order to work. In hindsight I should have went the other way around. My health was getting progressively worse. By the time I was home, my feet would be swollen to the size of grapefruit and I could barely walk. Most days off found me in bed. I missed a lot of church. And if it were not for my faith, I would have ended it long ago. I could not sleep well, I tossed and turned, I woke up a lot with hips, arms, legs hurting and had to change positions. Still do. I kept working to the point I would be at work 2 hors and I would be dizzy and walking into walls; and I would feel like every muscle in my body had been beat on; and my body was full of magnets and the floor was one big magnet and I was being pulled to the floor. In a job where your responsibility is to take care of others, that is not good. I got to the point where I had to make a decision: quit or end up in the hospital. Or worse. So I quit. I tried to find a job for 2 years and noone would hire me. I have tried to get disability. No go. They wont let me have it because of my education and age. The only thing I can do that does not make my disease worse is writing. I have written 2 books so far and am trying to get published. I had to sell my house several years ago because I had no money. Thankfully my mom moved me in with her to help me. Now I live with my dad and step-moom while trying to get published.
If you have to quit qorking, dont do what I did. Try to line up another job before quitting. I could not work any job that had those same working conditions that are natural to the job anymore, but I could have found an easier job elsewhere temporarily if I had looked. Instead I had quit without notice because of my health. I was not able to get unemployment, and every where I interviewed with I had to be honest and tell them why I quit. The kinds of jobs I had experience with I could no longer do. Group home and food service. I had no experience in what my degree was for, or anything else I applied for. I applied for a social work position and got turned for no experience because they had applicants with experience in that job. So if you find yourself needing to quit a particular job for health reasons, get all your ducks in a row first. Dont make impulsive decisions like me. And pray for the Lord to guide you first. I didnt. I should have.

Why didnt the chimney feel well?
It had a flue.LOL

Thursday, December 3, 2009

About Me

I started having health problems when I was just a little girl. I remember being skinny, fast, and very talkative and outgoing when I was young. Then at about kindergarden, I lost energy and gained weight. I was very embarrassed about my weight gain, even with my mother. People at school made fun of me. I did not know what was wrong with me. I was taken to all kinds of specialists who ran all kinds of tests with no conclusions. They said I was just lazy. This was very hurtful. I knew there was something wrong with me. Over the years, the teasing became much worse. As a result, I became very withdrawn. I became shy, would not look people in the eyes; and often I did not go to school because I did not feel good, and I could not face the teasing I knew would come. I managed, for my last 2 years of high school, to go to school every day in order to get my GPA up so I could go to college. I made Straight A's and B's. I wanted to go to college to get a degree in business and own my own restaurant someday. I ended up not being able to pursue that. My health was getting worse as I got older. I did not do so hot in the Maths classes. I liked helping people. Those I knew. And elderly people. I felt more comfortable with them than with those my own age. So my Mom advised me to go into social work. I had to graduate with just a minor in Social Work with a bachelor of general studies degree because the head of the department felt I was too shy to be an effective counselor.

I need to stop now. More tomorrow.

If it rains on your parade, break out the slip-n-slide!

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

New Moon

HAs anyone seen the New Moon movie? I read the books and enjoyed them. They were really good. I thought thet did a really good job in making New Moon. It followed the book closer than the Twilight movie did.I wish it didn't take so long to make movies.I'm eager to see Eclipse now.

I can fix anything> Where's the duct tape? (From