Friday, December 11, 2009

The other day I had to go out of town. I thought I had enough gas to get me to the next town where I would stop to get gas. I was wrong. I ran out of gas completely right outside of that town. Right after I prayed for Father to send someone to help me, a truck with two nice gentlemen showed up. They went to the gas station and bought me five dollars worth of gas and put it in my tank. I was so thankful! Nobody else would stop. From now on, I promised God I would always stop to check and see if a person pulled over needs help. So long as it looks safe. Im also going to get a gas can and put it in my trunk for emergencies. And Im going to do what my dad and stepmom do: keep at least half a trank of gas in the car all the time. Heavenly Father always answers prayers. He may not always actually SAY something. Sometimes you may get 'you dont need to know that' or you dont need to know that right now' , but you will Always get an answer. ALWAYS. But remember, He cant answer a prayer unless you pray. So talk to Him everyday. He loves you and wants to hear from you. He is your FAther. Literally.

Why was Moses the worst sinner?
He broke all 10 commandments at once. LOL

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